
Daily BiasAlerts, a product of the MRC's News Analysis Division, detail the latest instances of media bias by analyzing national media coverage of politics and policy. As of February 2015, they are no longer posted on, but can be read on the CyberAlerts page of our NewsBusters blog.

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NBC's Curry Pushes McCain: Will 'Catalyst' of Kennedy Death Cause You to 'Cross the Aisle?'

NBC's Ann Curry, on Thursday's Today show asked Senator John McCain if "the death of Senator Kennedy" would "be the catalyst" to pass health care reform but when the Arizona senator responded that ...

ABC Buries Harsh Kennedy Obit, One That Labels Him a 'Failure,' in the Middle of the Night

In the early hours of Wednesday, reporter John Donvan narrated a tough, comprehensive look at the life of Ted Kennedy, one that went so far as to assert that the Senator was sometimes "a let down, ...

CBS: Kennedy's Death 'Gives New Life' to Health Care Reform

At the top of the 8AM ET hour of Thursday's CBS Early Show, co-host Russ Mitchell wondered if Ted Kennedy's death could "spur Congress to pass a health care reform bill?" Correspondent Nancy ...

ABC Spins Kennedy's Liberal Legislation as His 'Legacy' to All Americans

On Thursday's Good Morning America, Diane Sawyer and other ABC journalists spun liberal legislation by Ted Kennedy as gifts to the whole country. While bills related to the senator appeared ...

NBC Exploits Kennedy to Push ObamaCare: 'National Sorrow Has Created Political Momentum Before'

Proffering "national sorrow has created political momentum before," Wednesday's NBC Nightly News devoted a story to hope Ted Kennedy's passing will propel ObamaCare to victory. Brian Williams ...

Brian Williams: In Lieu of Flowers for Ted, Pass Health Care Reform

NBC's Brian Williams, during NBC News' live coverage of the President's remarks about the passing of Ted Kennedy on Wednesday, cited what sounded like a spam e-mail rallying support for health ...

Chris Matthews Designates Obama as a Kennedy: 'Barack Is Now the Last Brother'

MSNBC host Chris Matthews appeared three times on Wednesday's Today show to lionize Sen. Ted Kennedy, and twice he promoted Barack Obama as the "last brother" of the Kennedy political dynasty. He ...

ABC's Terry Moran: 'Happy Warrior' Kennedy Brought 'Joy'; Ignores Nasty Bork Speech

ABC's Terry Moran on Wednesday spun Ted Kennedy's political career as one of a "happy warrior" who should be looked to for direction in "these bitter times." However, it's hard to square this ...

CBS Historian Douglas Brinkley: Ted Kennedy A 'Martyr' for ObamaCare

During the 2:00AM ET hour of CBS's Up to the Minute on Wednesday, shortly after news broke of Senator Ted Kenney's death, historian Douglas Brinkley exclaimed the Massachusetts Democrat was: ...

Review: Journalistic Admiration for and Championing of Senator Edward Kennedy

Senator Edward (Ted) Kennedy, who passed away late Tuesday night, had the news media as an ally and champion of his liberal causes. After the jump are a few examples, culled from the MRC's ...
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