Suits: New Character Alert!
Welcome to the show, Steven Hundley, Darby's number two man,.
And may I vociferously express my disappointment at your level of involvement
in this week's episode.
Let me explain. I watch a few other TV shows throughout the week whose commercials occasionally run previews for episodes of other shows. Every “Suits” promo that I saw featured clips of this new character shaking things up at the New York office of Pearson & Darby.
In short, I was led to believe that his introduction and the conflict that causes would be the main source of drama in this episode. It wasn't. Not even close.
Rather, much of the drama focused on the oil executive from last week's episode getting dragged into a murder investigation – a fine story line providing plenty of entertainment. But I feel gypped that this character who was so hyped in the previews was not given more air time. Steven's first introduction was about half way into the episode and his few scenes implied future importance, but without much on-screen integration into this week's episode.
My disappointment only increased after watching his sporadic scenes. Steven (Max Beesley) was superb; a British Harvey. The perfect foil for Harvey, whose character can be difficult to keep human. From Steven's witty repartee with Donna to his help convincing the oil executive to rehire Harvey and Mike, each of his appearances provided a delightful foretaste of what I hope is many episodes to come.