Evan Mantel
Author Articles
5/12/2014 6:42 PM ET
Emily Thorne proves herself more like David Clarke than expected
5/9/2014 4:39 PM ET
Check your privilege gets checked out in the case of the English against Indian culture
5/9/2014 12:40 AM ET
Marvel's Agents of SHIELD is renewed and Marvel's Agent Carter gets picked up
5/7/2014 10:10 PM ET
Evan doubles down on the bet that Agent Ward wiill have a redemption narrative.
4/30/2014 6:56 PM ET
Cobie Smulders makes a return, Agent Ward in depth, and TAHITI revealed
4/29/2014 5:02 PM ET
The Blacklist goes anti-gun. Also, euthanasia and Alan Alda
4/25/2014 3:19 PM ET
A review of the season finale of Parks and Rec.
4/25/2014 2:31 AM ET
Breaking down Michelle Obama's visit to Parks and Rec.
4/16/2014 3:19 PM ET
Villians are on the rise and SHIELD is on the backfoot, but Fury lives!
4/14/2014 1:25 AM ET
Saturday Night Live's opening sketch
4/9/2014 12:16 AM ET
SHIELD, terrorism, and Agent Ward goes bad.
4/2/2014 3:24 AM ET
A fairly simple overlooked fact taints a good episode
3/31/2014 12:46 AM ET
Sometimes you can't take something back.
3/14/2014 12:57 AM ET
Mrs. Cooper's sexual hypocrisy is actually a good portrayal of Christians.
3/13/2014 4:33 AM ET
Modern Family encourages the rampant individualistic, no-body is wrong culture.
3/13/2014 12:55 AM ET
Man-hating. It's all the rage.
3/10/2014 7:16 AM ET
Revenge goes from 0-60 in no time flat.
3/7/2014 1:53 AM ET
A sarcastic take on Rake's portrayal of hairy-chested men.
3/5/2014 5:33 AM ET
Ethical questions are raised on Marvel's SHIELD.
3/4/2014 5:40 AM ET
The Blacklist ruins my posting plans, but gives viewers some silver linings.