I mistakenly tuned in to the premier episode of “I Am Cait” thinking that the show was about a transgender guy. Instead, I saw a show about a 65 year old guy who likes to wear Atelier Versace.
This point crystallized in a scene just over halfway through the show, when Jenner sits down for a heart-to-heart with his mother, Esther. The conversation intended to highlight change. Instead, it did just the opposite:
>> Esther: The problem before with you and I, I... I'm guessing this-- you felt uncomfortable with me. We would see each other, and it was like you wanted to get away.
>> Caitlyn: At that point in my life, I was very much an isolationist. I would isolate myself from the world on many, many, many, many occasions. 'Cause I never felt like I fit in anywhere. I didn't fit in with the male side, I didn't fit in with the female side....