Art & Entertainment

Hollywood's Shocking Truth

Celebrities Boost Their Fame through Shock Factor

Celebrity Planned Parenthood Boosters Ignore Reality

Debate over cutting federal funding for abortion provider highlights divide between stars and reality.

Rebecca Black... On Second Thought

"Friday" may be just the gift parents and conservatives didnt realize they had received.

Hollywood's Current 'Romantic Comedies' Heavy on Hook Ups, Light on Romance

Several trashy, R-rated romantic comedies this year prove once again that Tinseltown is Casual Sex Central.

20-to-1: Networks Go Crazy over Sheen Story, Downplay Planned Parenthood Scandal

ABC, NBC, CBS report every sordid detail about troubled actor, ignore complaints against abortion provider.

The Oscars: Class Warfare Wins Best Liberal Issue

Tinsel town says unions good, CEOs bad.

AP Pushes Pro-Islam Entertainment Propaganda

Article applauds attempt to get away from nonexistent 'Muslim-as-terrorist plot line.'

NBC Primetime Show Plays Bestiality for Laughs

'Outsourced' character fondly recalls pleasuring a horse.

A Toned Down 'Glee?'

Despite exploding bras, show dialed down the raunch after Super Bowl

'Glee': Sex, Songs and Sleaze

The hit show is not a 'sweet' musical but rather a raunchy showcase of lewd behavior.
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