Art & Entertainment

Documentary Review: The Answer to Third World Poverty is Capitalism

Airing tonight, Oct. 8, 'The Power of the Poor' illustrates how property rights and legal reform improves lives and defeats tyranny.

Michael Moore: Foreclosed Homeowners Like Rape Victims

Filmmaker tells Sean Hannity blaming irresponsible borrowers 'like asking a woman how short was your skirt after she's been raped.'

Michael Moore Forces MSNBC to Address Dodd's Sweetheart Countrywide Deal

'Hardball' host Chris Matthews frets filmmaker's investigation into dealing with mortgage provider CEO will hurt Senator's reelection bid.

'Early Show' Uses Woman with Rare Disease to Advocate for ObamaCare

Biased doctor cites faulty study to assert lack of insurance 'does kill people.'

Media Embrace Millionaire Moore's Vendetta against Capitalism

Like 'Sicko,' journalists gush over 'provocative' anti-Wall Street flick, leave out filmmaker's critics.

Michael Moore Calls Capitalism 'Legalized Greed'; Serenades Leno Audience

Liberal documentary filmmaker equates democracy with equality and fairness to justify criticism of the wealthy having more.

HBO's Maher: Americans too 'Stupid' so President Should Force ObamaCare into Law

'Real Time' host on health care battle says Sen. Baucus 'Needs to wake up tomorrow with an intern's head in his bed.'

Cramer on Beck Advertisers: 'I Think They All Come Back in the End'

CNBC 'Mad Money' host points to Unilever's 'advertise on all media' model, says NewsCorp still a good stock, despite skittish advertisers.

Company on Decision to Pull Ads from Beck TV Show: 'We Do Not Want to be Associated with Hateful Speech'

Sargento vice president of Corporate Communications & Government Relations says pulling advertising not based on political affiliation, but speech.

CNBC Host Blames 'Overpaying' Howard Stern for XM Sirius Woes

Dennis Kneale says satellite radio provider overpaid for shock jock, but newly reported quarterly losses also due to poor auto sales.
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