
Media Research Center

ABC: Crusade Against Beef Costs 600 Jobs

Some journalists aren’t content with covering the news; they have to make it, too. That’s been ABC’s strategy as the network has led the charge against USDA-approved beef.
Media Research Center

ABC Takes a Pro- E-Coli Position in Hit Job on Meat Industry

Network uses activist term ‘pink slime’ 52 times in just two weeks.
electric car

Charging Full Speed Ahead, CNN Features Video on ‘E-ways’

CNN Money website focuses on futuristic concept for roads that charge electric cars.
Breast Cancer Fund

Lefty Group Uses Pink to Camouflage Green Activism, Attack Business

Media ignore that BCF is really eco-group in disguise that supports Markey legislation to ban chemicals like BPA.
Media Research Center

Miracle Whip Ad Goes for Yucks, Gets Icks

New entry in 'Keep an open mouth' campaign has anything but taste.
Media Research Center

The Dog That Didn’t Bark

There is a question David Gregory didn’t ask California Gov. Jerry “Déjà vu” Brown on NBC’s “Meet the Press” this past Sunday. Gov. Brown said that the solution to our porous southern border is ...
Going Nuclear

Historic Energy Decision Initially Skipped by CBS, Bashed by ABC

Nuclear Regulatory Commission approves plans for two new nuclear reactors, but ‘World News’ can only find opposition.
Media Research Center

Two Broadcast Networks Ignore Soft Recall of Chevy Volts

Only CBS reports GM's sneaky campaign to fix media hyped electric car.
Media Research Center

99 Percent? Top 25 Occupy Wall Street Backers Worth $4 Billion

Celebrities attacking the 1 percent are themselves millionaires.
Media Research Center

Occupying the Classroom: NYU to Offer Class in Occupy Wall Street

Media's favorite protest to become a college course, despite irony of OWS classroom walk outs and protests of student loans.
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