
Historic! No New Jobs Added in August; First Time since 1945

CNBC's Rick Santelli guesses right net payroll figure, but unemployment rate remains steady at 9.1 percent.

Why Does the Times Adore 'Legendary Investor' Warren Buffett?

The answer is simple: He's the kind of businessmen that liberals like - who don't think they are paying enough money in taxes.

Networks Barely Criticize Obama's Disastrous 'Green Jobs' Policies

Criticism excluded from 92 percent of network news reports, despite bankruptcies of federally subsidized companies.

Networks Take Cue from Obama, Wait Nearly 6 Years to Attack S&P

Most ABC, CBS and NBC criticism comes after White House fears 2011 default, despite S&P failure during 2005 housing crisis.

Soros-Funded Media Toe Liberal Line in Debt Coverage

Tax hikes portrayed as only solution by left-wing journalism groups.

IBD Notes that in D.C. Cutting Spending, Isn't what It Appears

Front page article examines "Shared Sacrifice,'D.C.-Style'"

'Mad Money' Jim Cramer Blasts Times Reporter for Natural Gas 'Hit Pieces'

CNBC host and natural gas CEO criticize New York Times' Ian Urbina for series of attacks on the industry.

ABC: Supreme Court Decision Gives Wal-Mart Ability to 'Crush' Women 'One at a Time'

'World News' slants report against retailer with voices 4-to-1 against court ruling in class-action gender discrimination lawsuit.

CBS Says Not Paying Your Underwater Mortgage 'Best Hope for Some to Stay Afloat'

'Evening News' sympathizes with borrowers who stopped paying, encourages 'strategic default.'

Obama Backs EPA War on Coal, While Networks Ignore Harm to Industry

Major utility announces proposal to retire power plants, layoff workers and spend billions to comply with 'pending' regulations.
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