
Misread and Misreported: Tea Party Activism Bullish for Economy

After nearly two years of Obamanomics and liberal incompetence, the markets are enjoying their tea.

Cramer Credits CNBC-Obama Infomercial for 146-Point Dow Jones Rally

'Mad Money' host says president himself didn't cause stock market jump, but increase occurred because Obama didn't use network platform to wage class warfare.

Santelli 'Very Happy' to Have Been Tea Party 'Spark'

HuffPo notes newspaper interview in which CNBC reporter calls his famous tea party rant 'best five minutes of my life.'

Savannah Guthrie's Soak-the-Rich Obsession: Higher Taxes Only Means of Lowering Deficits

'The Daily Rundown' co-host exhibits pattern of behavior by arguing that not raising taxes is 'deficit spending.'

Kudlow Calls Tea Parties Bullish for Economy: 'Don't Believe the Mainstream Media'

CNBC host says conservative wins in Republican primaries an indication that 'free-market capitalism is on the comeback trail.'

Former CNBC Reporter: GE CEO Immelt Meddled in Network's Editorial Coverage

Gasparino's book to detail meetings with parent company's head discussing if on-air commentators were 'fair' to Obama.

Senator: Obama, Congress 'Intentionally' Spending to Force Value-Added Tax Implementation

N.H. Sen. Judd Gregg tells CNBC's Larry Kudlow leaders are 'trying to run the government into the ditch' to institute European social welfare model.

CNBC's Kernen Declares Obama's Populist Tactics Proof He Advocates 'Redistribution of Wealth'

'Squawk Box' host tells viewers president's tax policy a signal 'he really believes that wealth needs to be redistributed after the income disparity over the past 30 years.'

CNN's 'Glass One-Quarter Full' Spin: Emphasize Private Job Gains

Labor Day jobs report shows 54,000 lost, small rise in unemployment; 'American Morning' finds the silver lining.

'Fast Money' Panelist: Drilling Moratorium 'Shows a Tone-Deafness From This Administration'

CNBC's Jon Najarian castigates government for '75,000 jobs in the Gulf of Mexico that have been idle for no good reason.'
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