Business Comes to the Rescue of Public Sector Unions

Reporter Rich Blake hints at 'new fat cats' but gives soapbox to union representatives to rebut 'unfounded' charges.

Holy Sacred Cows! USA Today Reporter Takes on GSEs

Paul Wiseman breaks media taboo and highlights GSEs as 'No.1 problem' with housing market.

New film Relies On Michael Moore-like Graphics Vilifying CEOs, Investors, Wall Street

Will Ferrell movie 'The Other Guys' latest Hollywood attack on business.

ABC Blames 'Decline of Organized Labor' for Income Stagnation

Reporter Ray Sanchez gives ample story space to SEIU union rep and member, avoids criticism of unions.

Santelli: Tea Party More a 'Philosophy' Than a Party

CNBC CME floor reporter tackles allegation of racism in movement.

Facebook CEO Defends Company in ABC Interview, Advocates Democracy

Diane Sawyer, Bill Weir fill report with anti-business sentiment; Mark Zuckerberg says 'when you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system usually ends up in a really good place.'

Unemployment Fight Shows Media Will Help Liberals Protect Their Jobs

Journalists criticize GOP for obstructing 'relief' bill, despite pay-as-you-go promises from Dems.

Newsweek Mocks 'Poor Little CEO's,' Attacks Private Sector

Daniel Gross uses 'blame Bush' rhetoric to denounce business leader jobs summit.

NY Times Highlights Return to Financial Regulation

Newspaper spins 'sweeping expansion of financial regulation,' as reassertion of 'supervision' after 'era of hands-off optimism.'

Attacks on Business Fill Newsweek's List of 'Best Business Literature'

List includes books bashing Murdoch, hedge-fund managers, boards of directors, and capitalism; excludes free market proponents.
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