
'Nightly News' Doesn't Mention that Amtrak Infrastructure Spending May Just be 'Good Money After Bad'

NBC reports hundreds of billions will be needed to achieve Obama's high-speed rail goals, but ignore its estimated $700-million losses.

Dear Fla. Times-Union: Buying Local Hurts Locals

Paying higher prices hurts everyone now and down the road.

MSNBC Pro-Union Host Ed Schultz Received $22K from Labor in 2008

New TV talking head took money in 2008 from steelworker, air traffic controller and plumber unions for speaking, public relations fees.

'World News' Shills for Soda Tax to Fight Obesity

ABC segment leans toward engineering human behavior with taxes, neglects personal responsibility for drink choices.

Report: Vanity Fair Kills Annual 'Green Issue'

Publisher will add eco-reporting to all issues; admits financial crisis has taken focus off environment.

Huffington Calls Suspension of Mark-to-Market Accounting 'Absolutely Tragic'

Liberal blog editor alleges banks will now use 'mark-to-fantasy'; calls move an administration 'consession' to 'oligarchs of America.'

Murdoch: Long-Term Economic Situation 'Dangerous'; Recovery 2-3 Years Away

Fox media mogul pessimistic about prospects of economy, points to inflation, protectionism as hurdles to recovery.

Santelli takes on Liberal Economist Reich on $1.1 Trillion for IMF

CNBC reporter debates former Clinton Labor Secretary on merits of government spending to 'reflate' collapsed credit market.

Cramer Declares End of 'Depression'; Credits Obama's Rhetoric, not Actions

'Mad Money' host had taken the 'Great Depression' off the table after the federal government enacted a bailout in late 2008.

Defining 'Fair Share,' Green Candidate Calls for Higher Taxes on Rich

Green Party member asserts millionaires should put up with paying half their income in taxes.
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