
CNBC's Deutsch Doesn't Want 'Idiots' on Wall Street Making $10 Million a Year

Calls for the education system 'to start breeding executives' to overcome the notion we're 'out-of-whack' and 'gluttonous.'

FNC's Morris Contends Obama Wants Bank Package to Fail

Says president 'wants to nationalize the banks, he wants a socialist economy.'

Levin Declares 'No Constitutional Authority' for Expanded Obama Administration Takeover Powers

Conservative talk show host explains how recent efforts to regulate in the wake of federal bailouts equate to a 'statist' agenda.

CNBC Panders: Invites Lefty Blogger Arianna Huffington to Co-Host Show

Co-founder and editor-in-chief of Huffington Post announces on Facebook she will be co-hosting CNBC's 'Squawk Box.'

Cramer Flip-Flops on Obama's Anti-Wall Street Rhetoric

'Mad Money' host: 'The president has become pro-shareholder.'

Fox Biz 'Happy Hour' Co-Host: 'AIG Bailout Funds Terrorism'

Cody Willard claims if your representatives voted for bailouts or stimulus, 'they're directly responsible for redistributing your money to al-Qaida.'

Santelli: AIG Bonuses Only Millions, Let's Focus on Billions and Trillions

Outspoken CNBC Chicago floor reporter questions populist, political outrage over $165 million bonus paid to bailed out executives.

CNBC Asia Guest Host: U.S. Treasury is 'Wasting Money' with Bailouts

Kirby Daley says nationalize financial institutions or let them fail; calls AIG outrage 'populist campaign-like rhetoric.'

Dear Wall Street Journal: CEO Pay Caps are Micromanagement

How is dictating pay structure for executives not government interference?

Former Congressman Calls for Investigation of CNBC's Jim Cramer

Tom Davis, who chaired House Government Reform Committee, tells CNN Cramer's activities are 'something somebody ought to be looking at.'
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