Climate Change
5/21/2014 9:07 AM ET
Journalists and scientists called for ‘Nuremberg’ style trials, imprisonment, even death penalty.
5/20/2014 12:30 PM ET
Networks completely Ignore Dr. Lennart Bengtsson’s complaints, while stoking climate fears.
5/16/2014 12:06 PM ET
Movie portrays Godzilla as nature’s revenge against modern civilization and humans who ‘deserve it.’
5/13/2014 11:15 AM ET
Genius Columnist Marilyn Vos Savant adds to the growing list
of wind power problems.
5/8/2014 10:36 AM ET
Vt. Maple syrup producer blasts network because it ‘only
selected the words to support their point.’
4/23/2014 12:45 PM ET
Former NPR producer wants ‘Day of Reckoning’ on environmental issues, compares climate change to slavery.
4/22/2014 6:59 AM ET
These Hollywood hotshots talk big about saving the planet but consume and live more extravagantly than most.
4/10/2014 10:32 AM ET
‘Years of Living Dangerously’ has no discussion of scientific data on climate 95 percent of the time.
4/8/2014 2:18 PM ET
Ann Curry links ‘extremes’ cold, heat, drought, fire and more to global warming in spite of scientists who disagree.
4/7/2014 2:11 PM ET
HuffPo blames right-wing
pundits for leading evangelicals away from warming gospel.