
'The Early Show' Uses Palin Drama to Bash Abstinence

As Bristol speaks out for abstinence, CBS focuses on Levi Johnston's disagreement with the family.

Shuster-fied Tolerance

Inflammatory MSNBC reporter lectures Joe the Plumber on accepting others.

Shuster Attacks Traditional Marriage Advocate; Asks If He Fears Attraction to Gay Couple

MSNBC host turns interview into shouting match about Miss California controversy.

Time's Liberal Bias Taught in Schools

Free news magazine for students promotes liberal ideology.

Media Hails Senate Confirmation of Health Secretary to Combat Swine Flu; Downplays to Her Late-Term Abortion Support

Media ignores Homeland Security's lead role responding to virus, maintains Sebelius needed combat it.

A Hundred Days of Love

Three months have made zero difference in the major media's ardor.

Toronto Star Columnist 'Wishes' Conservative Michelle Malkin Were Shot

Pro-Abortion writer Antonia Zerbisias's Twitter post: 'I wish the marksmen would take @MichelleMalkin. I'm thinking Dick Cheney. He's such a great shot.'

Sebelius' Controversial Veto takes Back Seat to Stories about Bo Obama

Broadcast news, major papers barely mention Obama nominee's protection of late-term abortion procedures.

MSNBC's Sexist Hypocrisy: Open Season on Conservative Women

In America, only liberal women enjoy protection from public degradation and disgusting characterizations.

A Whopper of a Problem: CBS Anchor Makes Light of Raunchy Fast Food Ad

Early Show co-host Maggie Rodriguez laughs off concerns about Burger King Kids Meal ad featuring sex and SpongeBob.
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