
Life on the Straight Edge

Early Show Fails on Facebook Fiasco

CBS host Maggie Rodriguez does not acknowledge personal responsibility in breastfeeding photos controversy.

Today Show Ignores Counterpoint in Major Teen Sex Study

NBC's morning show hosts comprehensive sex education advocate and fails to mention problems with the study.

Today Show Ignores Counterpoint in Major Teen Sex Study

NBC's morning show hosts comprehensive sex education advocate and fails to mention problems with the study.

Taking the Federal Government to Kindergarten

Education reporter Sam Dillon only talks to liberals who argue that massive pre-school spending by the federal government would be a wise investment: "...experts are debating how best to improve ...

AP Reports Day Without A Gay Only One Way

In 'call in gay' story, AP ignores traditional marriage supporters; features event creators and lefty teachers eager to introduce gay issues to students.

TIME's Jeff Israely Calls the Pope a 'Scrooge'

Aren't the leaders of religions supposed to defend church doctrine?

Barbara Walters Betrays 'Fascinating' Bias

During her Ten Most Fascinating People special, ABC's news doyenne tolerates a pregnant pseudo-man, an outspoken cultist, a scandal-beset adolescent actress and a liberal president-elect, but ...

Grinch-o-Meter ALERT!

Politically correct holiday nonsense is picking up steam, especially in schools.

Is Under God Outdated?

A Washington Post/Newsweek writer calls for removing God from the Pledge of Allegiance, amid a little-reported eruption of pre-Christmas attacks on faith.
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