
CNN Portrays The Da Vinci Code Movie as Sin 'Too Grave to be Forgiven'

Like ABC, CNN sides with Hollywood against Rome.

ABC Reporter Sides with Hollywood against Rome

Good Morning America's Nick Watt sneers at the Vatican for refusing to allow a Catholic-bashing movie to be filmed in historic churches.

CBS Praises Oil Company for $50 Million in College Aid

'Evening News' segment praises Murphy Oil for providing college funding for high school graduates of Arkansas town.

Forget Facts, Media Sell Same-Sex 'Marriage' with Emotion

The societal ramifications offer our friends in the press quite a lot to write about, if they'd just take off those party hats.

Battlefield 'Habeas Corpus'

The Supreme Court's decision granting rights to enemy combatants will make life for our soldiers much tougher. For the enemy, combat may become even deadlier.

CBS Lauds Latest Jolie-Pitt Pregnancy

Early Show message: you don't need to be married to raise a family.

Courage in Face of Deadly Tornado Spawns Rare Positive Coverage of Boy Scouts

Will the media apply the lessons the Iowa Scouts have taught them to the beleaguered Scouts in Philadelphia?

Disrobing His 'Honor'

Judge Alex Kozinski should consider resigning from the bench.

Nightline Attacks DOJ Official Emphasizing Character in Fight against Juvenile Delinquency

ABC's Brian Ross follows up a disgruntled employee's accusation of cronyism, waste, fraud, abuse by gratuitously identifying the alleged culprit as 'a former prosecutor and devout born-again ...

Media 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' about Key Ruling

Court's affirmation of military policy goes unreported even by AP, which instead exhorts Democrats to rescind ban on homosexuality.
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