
California Voters to Decide on Same-Sex 'Marriage' – Where's the Media?

Only ABC's Good Morning America reports that Californians will have an opportunity to overrule the state Supreme Court.

Is Obama Off the Hook?

The man is out of Jeremiah Wright's radical church. Is the church out of the man? Inquiring media minds don't want to know.

Sex and the Skittish

Newsweek seems to lament how the movie isn't outrageous enough. The headline is Girls Gone Mild.

CBS: Universal Health Care a Moral Imperative

Reporter Priya David discounts the social and economic cost in promoting the Massachusetts mandatory health insurance plan

Media Black Out Discussion of California Same-Sex 'Marriage' Implications

The First Amendment is in jeopardy. Why isn't the press rushing to its defense?

Another Cost of Celebrity Obsession

Should we restrict the paparazzi or curb the appetite for celebrity Mcnews?

Media Shove Boy Scout Story under a Tent

Boy Scouts face eviction by the city over no-homosexuals policy.

Kirk Cameron's Faith Embraced on The View

Evangelical Christianity is okay when it's proclaimed by a heartthrob.

LA Times Writer Whacks Columnist for 'Shivving' Sebelius Over Abortion

Media critic Tim Rutten attacks Robert Novak for using guilt by association against the Kansas governor, then plays the same card against Novak.

Any Stick's Good Enough to Beat Abstinence Education

NBC's Nancy Snyderman uses an uptick in teen pregnancy rates to challenge morally based sex ed.
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