
AIDS: The Questions They Won't Ask

Here are some of the questions that the media probably won't ask the professional HIV/AIDS lobby, which grows ever fatter while the human tragedy rises

Going Off a Cliff at the Chronicle

A San Francisco columnist explains why he loves The Golden Compass -- because he hates religion and religious people. Why does an ostensibly mainstream newspaper like the Chronicle publish such ...

Junk Food Ban "Faces Hurdles" - But Freedom Isn't One of Them

The Times' Kim Severson brings the nanny-state approach to the school snack bar, celebrating the fight against "the mountain of high-calorie snacks and sodas available to schoolchildren."

NBC Claims, Hopefully, That Young Evangelicals Are Turning Away from Politics

Tom Brokaw uses carefully crafted images, leading questions and selective quotes to reinforce the appearance of a generational divide among evangelicals.

ABC Spanks Spanking

World News with Charles Gibson runs a propaganda piece supporting a proposed ban on the tried and true method of parental discipline.

ABC Highlights Pregnant Cancer Patient Who Rejected Abortion

Shazam! Reasonable treatment of a social issue by a major network twice in the same day!

Abstinence Gets Fair Treatment from Today Show

NBC's Meredith Vieira is skeptical, but at least she isn't hostile.

Newsweek Writer Enjoys Atheist Denouncing the Conservative 'Nitwit'

At this point a critic must ask: as much as he enjoyed the denunciation of Donohue, did Gordon check out Pullman's assertion of having no greater agenda than telling a rip-roaring tale? Even ...

ABC's Sawyer: Huckabee's 'Heavy Handed' Ad Plays 'Religion Card'

Did Huckabee 'cross the line' with an ad calling himself a 'Christian Leader?'

TIME Covers a Sunday School for Atheists

Why do the media need to provide an atheist rebuttal to every God-centered holiday?
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