
Does AP Stand for 'Anti-Abstinence Propaganda?'

Associated Press slams abstinence-only education as Congress considers funding.

CBS Features Drastic City Plan to Slim Down Residents

Forget personal responsibility, it's all about fast food restaurants.

A Pro-Life Media Trifecta

The Washington Post and ABC cover pro-life stories … fairly! And Bella continues her box office success.

The Singing Revolution Celebrates Freedom

How many of us knew that Estonia, one of the smallest countries on the face of this earth, is responsible for one of the most extraordinary, and certainly the most unique revolutions in modern ...

Institutionalizing Journalistic Bias

The reporter's 'bible' decrees the use of terms that favor abortion.

Shameless in Massachusetts

Reporter, paper stick with story about an assault that wasn't, even after the account was proven wrong in court.

AP Misrepresents Public Attitude on School Distribution of Birth Control Pill

Less than a third of the public actually agree that the Portland, Maine school board should allow a middle school health center to provide birth control pills to its students without informing parents

Media Silent on Boycott as Ford's Sales Continue to Plunge

The automaker's sales have declined for 17 of the 19 months since AFA declared its morally inspired boycott. September sales dropped by 21 percent. Still, Big Media refuses to say 'boo' about it.

Bella to Anti-War Movies: Show Me the Money!

The independent pro-life film trounced Hollywood's anti-war movies in per-theater revenues, in spite of hostile mainstream media reviews.

What Would Jesus Download?

GodTube's video of the little girl reciting Psalm 23 has been viewed four million times.
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