
Why Are Heavyweight Republicans Talking to "Has-Been" Falwell?

Reuters implies the Rev. Jerry Falwell is no longer important, but GOP presidential candidates are beating a path to his door.

All the 'Gay' News That's Fit to Print

Homosexual activists knocking a Snickers ad off the air is news, but homosexual activists threatening the life of a political rival isn't?

ABC Hits Home Run with New Segment on Faith

Woman who refused an abortion and delivered a child conceived through rape is treated with sensitivity.

Friends of God Not Friendly to Evangelicals

Why bother trying to discover who evangelical Christians are, when all you're really doing is reinforcing tired old stereotypes?

Blasphemy Redux

Nightline gives more free publicity to a juvenile media stunt.

Media Turn Blind Eye to College's Cross-Spurning Intolerance

A university president insults traditional Christianity and undermines the First Amendment, but is virtually ignored by mainstream journalists.

Whitewashing the Reds (and the Blues, Blacks and Yellows)

Radical leftists defaced the Capitol during Saturday's anti-Iraq War demonstration, and the media covered it up.

TV Critics Smear "Scary" Bible Belt

Worldnetdaily Column: CMI's Robert Knight and Kristen Fyfe blast reviews of HBO documentary about evangelical Christianity

Wash. Post Shows Balance in Climate Debate As Inconvenient Hassle For Science Teacher

Reporter Blaine Harden leaves out any critics of Al Gore's Oscar-nominated film.

Goth Gotcha

Which children's story does the Post emphasize? The American Library Association's award winners? Or Goth culture and fashion?
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