
Saints and Swearing

After zooming in on a woman wearing an obscene T-shirt at an NFL game, Fox apologized - but the network is suing for the right to broadcast the F-bomb any time of day.

New York Times Spins Leftist Social Agenda into 'Governing from the Center'

Promoting high-octane social liberalism is not centrist government.

NY Times to Marriage: Drop Dead

The New York Times celebrates women's "liberation" from dependence on men and the institution of marriage.

More Violence, More Sex, More Troubled Kids

Prime time TV is more violent than ever before, more of the violence is sex-related, and children are paying the price.

Of Major News Outlets, Only NBC Gets Amniotic Stem Cell Story Right

A research breakthrough indicates that amniotic stem cells may provide all of the potential therapeutic benefits of embryonic stem cells, but without killing a human embryo.

Media Use Premarital Sex Study to Attack Abstinence Funding

Isn't rampant premarital sex a reason to expand federal abstinence programs?

Media Use Premarital Sex Study to Attack Abstinence Funding

Isn't rampant premarital sex a reason to expand federal abstinence programs?

The Gospel of Truth? Says Who?

At Christmastime, ''U.S. News and World Report'' Breathes New Life into Old Errors

The Gospel of Truth? Says Who?

At Christmastime, "U.S. News and World Report" Breathes New Life into Old Errors

They Say They Want a Revolution: Privately-Run Public Schools

But major media ignore or downplay some of commission's key recommendations for improved education in America.
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