4/4/2013 1:10 PM ET
Enviro film ‘Greedy Lying Bastards’ opens in more theaters after box office flop.
4/3/2013 9:53 AM ET
ABC, CBS, NBC promote new EPA regulations, undermine critics.
4/2/2013 10:14 AM ET
Earth Day: ‘ecological footprint’ game ironically predicts resource depletion even for extremely eco-conscious.
3/22/2013 12:43 PM ET
While Emma Watson denied rumors of starring in the erotic “Fifty
Shades of Grey,” she didn’t hesitate to strip down for Earth Day.
3/18/2013 2:14 PM ET
Artists Against Fracking fail to register as lobbying group with state of New York, could face fines.
2/21/2013 2:05 PM ET
New documents show agency’s lack of transparency includes
secret email accounts.
2/1/2013 9:16 AM ET
Gore claims uninhibited capitalism could bring about climate catastrophe.
1/21/2013 3:34 PM ET
Actor tells German news outlet he will focus on environment.
1/9/2013 11:11 AM ET
Damon claims he wants to start conversation, but movie depicts gas company employees as liars.
12/19/2012 10:58 AM ET
Reporter from Soros-funded NPR StateImpact confuses fact and Hollywood fiction.