8/27/2012 7:00 AM ET
corn crops dwindling, ethanol fuel requirements are poised to push
prices even higher, something ABC, CBS and NBC barely acknowledge.
8/8/2012 1:37 PM ET
CNN.com promotes Op-Ed by Global Warming activist Chicken Little.
8/3/2012 9:31 AM ET
The free market is dying the death of a thousand regulatory power-grabs.
7/26/2012 1:42 PM ET
CBS coverage sides with lefty environmentalists, rarely presents arguments for natural gas extraction.
7/19/2012 12:18 PM ET
Lennon launches celebrity and artist anti-fracking site hours before interview.
7/9/2012 12:14 PM ET
of Colorado fires, East Coast heat wave and other weather prove media
are still willing to blame anything on global warming.
7/6/2012 10:32 AM ET
Tells Oil CEO he could go down in history as ‘man who destroyed the future.’
6/20/2012 9:25 AM ET
News outlets hype fears of chemical often found in food items, while lefty eco-, PR groups call for ban.
6/19/2012 9:51 AM ET
Guest columnist says saving the African elephant more urgent than a nuclear Iran.