
Media Research Center

Networks Ignore Ethanol Mandates in Most Coverage of Historic Drought

With corn crops dwindling, ethanol fuel requirements are poised to push prices even higher, something ABC, CBS and NBC barely acknowledge.
Media Research Center


Media Research Center

Global Warming Sky Still Falling, CNN Assures

CNN.com promotes Op-Ed by Global Warming activist Chicken Little.
Media Research Center

Obama's Game is Afoot, Hidden From View

The free market is dying the death of a thousand regulatory power-grabs.
Media Research Center

ABC, NBC Mostly Ignore Fracking; CBS Airs 6 Times More Negative Stories

CBS coverage sides with lefty environmentalists, rarely presents arguments for natural gas extraction.
Media Research Center

Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon Sing Anti-Fracking Song on 'Late Night with Jimmy Fallon'

Lennon launches celebrity and artist anti-fracking site hours before interview.
Media Research Center

Left, Media Hype Climate Threat: This Summer Is What ‘Warming Looks Like’

Coverage of Colorado fires, East Coast heat wave and other weather prove media are still willing to blame anything on global warming.
Media Research Center

Lefty PR Exec Attacks: ‘Exxon Will Make Record Profits Destroying Our Economy and a Livable Climate’

Tells Oil CEO he could go down in history as ‘man who destroyed the future.’
Media Research Center

Media, Left Try to Put Their Hands on Your Shopping Cart

News outlets hype fears of chemical often found in food items, while lefty eco-, PR groups call for ban.
Media Research Center

CNN: Elephant Poaching a 'Tragedy Beyond Reckoning'

Guest columnist says saving the African elephant more urgent than a nuclear Iran.
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