7/16/2008 8:18 AM ET
NBC reporter promotes high gas prices as a positive because they are forcing Americans to find ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
7/10/2008 2:54 PM ET
Mainstream journalists join Discovery network's show about global warming threats.
7/8/2008 4:15 PM ET
The business network's on-air editor calls the idea that rumors toppled Bear Stearns a product of 'ill-informed' media.
7/8/2008 9:42 AM ET
Segment cites climate change, ignores other factors as reason for increase in wildfires.
7/2/2008 10:46 AM ET
'World News' reports new population study that promotes global warming alarmists' agenda.
6/23/2008 3:14 PM ET
New York Times predicts future bragging rights at dinner parties will consist of how 'green' your home is.
6/19/2008 6:37 PM ET
Site says it's AP, AP says it isn't ours; story identical to 'ubercrackpot' scientist's press release.
6/18/2008 2:50 PM ET
Claims nation's added weight equals 42 million extra people, drains resources, makes climate worse.
6/17/2008 10:27 AM ET
Cullen adversary argues he knows only one broadcast meteorologist who is 'on the global warming bandwagon.'
6/13/2008 2:46 PM ET
Show highlights green living, promoting Planet Green documentary.