
Media Research Center

Only 'GMA' Notes End of 'Weak' Hurricane Season

Nine years without a major Atlantic hurricane hitting land noted by Washington Post, but two networks silent.
Media Research Center

AlterNet: Pets ‘Public Enemy Number Two’ Due to ‘Negative Impact’ on Climate

Left-wing website decries pets’ massive ‘carbon paw prints.’
Media Research Center

Only 50% Of Scientists Blame Mankind for Climate Change In New Study

Purdue University research casts doubt on so-called global warming consensus.
Media Research Center

Alternet Writer Suggests Moms Are ‘Environmental Villains’

Mom feels guilty about ‘environmental impact of procreation.’
Media Research Center

Media, Lefty Outlets Wrong about “Interstellar” and Climate Change

From national newspapers to niche publications, global warming routinely connected to ‘vague’ new Nolan film. 
Media Research Center

Chevron Attacker Still the Hero in Rolling Stone Hit Job

Liberal ‘journalist’ glosses over ghostwritten scientific reports, court rulings, RICO case and bribery to blast oil company.
Media Research Center

Former Newsweek Editor: Congressional GOP Not 'Rational Human Beings’ or ‘Patriotic Americans’

Eco-blogger says Republicans taking Senate will ‘cause climate mayhem.’
Media Research Center

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Latest Alarmist Film Demands 100% Renewable Power

Short film ignores economics of renewables as celebrity environmentalist continues his green crusade.
Media Research Center

On PBS: Watch Hippie-Hypocrite Neil Young Sing 'End Fracking Now'

On Thursday, Charlie Rose invited singer-songwriter Neil Young on his PBS show to promote his latest album and played a clip of the Woodstock-generation singer’s first single - basically an anthem ...
Media Research Center

Steyer's Carbon Footprint

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