
Media Research Center

Media Disguise Liberal Billionaire Steyer As ‘Climate Change Crusader’

Behind ‘green hero’ mask is a rent-seeking crony capitalist.
Media Research Center

Grist Writer Bashes Former Coal CEO: ‘Frightening & Sociopathic’

David Roberts, who had to apologize for 2006 ‘climate Nuremberg’ remarks, tweets attack on businessman.
Media Research Center

Networks Blame Climate Change for ‘Record’ Walrus Haulout

Ignoring information contrary to the claims of climate alarmists. ABC, NBC, and CBS all aired stories on October 1 claiming large gatherings of walruses were the result of less ice and were ...
Media Research Center

Singer and Writer Moby Rails Against Eating Meat and Animal Products

On Huffington Post, vegan celebrity claims we can ‘save the humans’ from climate change by going vegan.
Media Research Center

Where's the Warming?

Media Research Center

China Not ‘Communist’ Says Author Naomi Klein on MSNBC

While touting her ‘Capitalism vs. The Climate’ book, Klein gets the facts wrong, again.
Media Research Center

People’s Climate March Gets 4.5 Times as Much Network Attention as March for Life

Broadcast networks also ignore radical anti-capitalists, socialist backers and calls for ‘revolution’ at climate march.
Media Research Center

Vanity Fair Used Polluted Journalism Against Chevron in Ecuador Story

Magazine reporter worked with eco-lawyer to help spin facts.
Media Research Center

Liberal Media Love Flawed Studies Claiming a Vast Scientific Consensus on Climate

Latest study had low response rate, while previous studies criticized for ‘math errors,’ ‘fuzzy’ definitions.
Media Research Center

$12 Million Buys Soros, Steyer White House Meeting; Media Ignore

Networks complain about conservative donor influence in politics, ignore blatant liberal donor connection.
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