
A Guide to the Movie Galaxy

Dr. Thomas Hibbs finds a silver lining in Hollywood's dark cloud of despair.

CBS Allows Theologian to Defend Belief

The Early Show's Maggie Rodriguez interviews Father Thomas Williams, whose new book debunks atheism.

ABC, CBS Journalists Celebrate Acceptance of All Religions as Path to Salvation

Theologically informed commentators on CBS and NBC, however, point out the down side of a Pew poll's finding that 70% of Americans believe their faith is not the only way to God.

'The Sky Is Not Falling' – Yet

Get used to hearing this term in the coming weeks, as the media interview pro-homosexual spokesmen about same-sex marriage in California.

Prince Caspian's Appeal

Pro-God Narnia films outstrip anti-God Golden Compass.

Religion: How ABC Loathes Thee

Boston Legal episode is a vehicle for anti-religious propaganda under the guise of entertainment.

NBC Showcases Heartthrob with a Message

Bella star Eduardo Verastegui appeared on Today to promote the movie's DVD release, but revealed how he found deeper meaning in life than fame and fortune.

CBS's Criminal Minds Smears Christians

Gay son becomes serial killer because religious dad tried to beat him straight.

Hollywood's Holy Week Christophobic Fantasy: Zealot Stones Mother to Death

On NBC's Law & Order, a college student influenced by a radical Christian youth minister murders his mother to save her soul after she commits adultery with a Muslim.

Lewis Black, Anti-Catholic Hack

Black is the star of a brand new Comedy Central show named The Root of All Evil. Comedians act like prosecutors, with Black as judge, trying to determine which of two allegedly evil forces is ...
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