
Self Magazine's Abortion Article Fails to Show Both Sides

The Multifetal-reduction piece isn't a complete picture, never giving pro-life women a voice.

'O' Magazine Goes to Bat for Lesbian Love

In an emotional six page narrative, Oprah's magazine comes out in favor of lesbianism.

No Restraint Necessary

An NBC report attacks Pope Benedict for daring to suggest that condoms are not the end-all and be-all to AIDS prevention.

Big War Over 'Big Love'

CBS Early Show feigns concern over sacred Mormon temple scene in HBO's series Big Love.

NY Times Rich Celebrates End of Family Values 'Ayatollahs'

Columnist says religious traditionalists are going the way of prohibitionists.

Hookers for Jesus: ABC Presents Respectful Picture of Reformed Vegas Prostitutes

Hats off to ABC for a balanced and informative segment about converted call girls who have turned to religion.

FOX: Gay Sex and Bible Bashing is Apparently A-OK For Kids

The popular animated show Family Guy aired a homosexual orgy and a baby eating horse semen during Sunday's family hour.

A Low-Tech Lent

Italian bishops urge congregations to give up electronic messaging until Easter.

Inhofe: Senate Democrat Amendment Threatens Christian Radio

Oklahoma senator explains Durbins amendment is a veiled attempt to attack talk radio, specifically religious radio.

Raise the Stars and Stripes High

Barack Obama's election sparks new-found patriotic zeal from the Left.
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