
CNN, MSNBC Hail Hate Crime Legislation; Ignore Consequences for Free Speech

Will religious teaching about homosexuality be prosecuted as a hate crime?

For ABC, Adultery is Bad but Christian Arguments Against it are 'Intolerant'

'Nightline' anchor Cynthia McFadden mocks faith-based arguments, accepts secular arguments as fact.

Alternet: Christians are the Real Haters

According to Frank Schaeffer, evangelical Christianity is to blame for anti-Obama racism.

Lawyer Promotes Muslim Prayer Rooms, Opposes Display of the Ten Commandments

A double standard for Islam vs. Christianity in public schools.

Olbermann Guest: Beck, Bachmann 'Trying to Get the President Killed'

Columnist Dan Savage blasts 'religious right,' accuses Fox News host and Minnesota congresswoman of 'heating' up rhetoric at 'peril' to country.

Secular Saboteurs

Bill Donohue's new book details attacks on Christianity.

Apostolic Visitation of American Nuns a 'Grand Jury Indictment' to ABC

How dare the Vatican concern itself with orthodoxy!

Erbe's Attack on Palin Turns into Attack on Life and Religion

Columnist's crude response to Palin's health care statement tars the religious.

Contessa Brewer: Bible = Prop

MSNBC anchor bashes Bible and conservatives who dare question ObamaCare.
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