
Joy Behar: 'Tis the Season…to be Gay

CNN show hosts panel that claims the holidays are a great time for homosexuals to come out of the closet.

Chris Matthews Brow-Beats Catholic Bishop Over Abortion

MSNBC host lectures Thomas Tobin about Kennedy communion issue.

Newsweek: Ft Hood Happened Because Muslims Aren't 'Comfortable'

Authors marvel that we Americans haven't driven Muslims to kill sooner.

Company Mocks Catholicism to Sell Video Game

EA uses fake game ad to market 'Dante's Inferno.'

Newsweek's Lisa Miller Labels Passion of the Christ 'Anti-Semitic'

Magazine ranked Tina Fey's portrayal of Sarah Palin, the beginning of American Idol, and the death of Michael Jackson ahead of movie on list of Top 10 cultural moments in the last decade.

U.S. News' Erbe: Stupak-Pitts Amendment is 'a Privacy Invasion of Massive Proportions'

Pro-abortion blogger wants 'uber-religious' to pay for children they force poor women to bear.

PC News: Networks Downplay Terrorism, Muslim Connection in Ft. Hood Attack

All three networks mention 'terror' only after Obama hints at ideology during funeral ceremony.

AP Laments Maine Marriage Victory

Article focused on gay and lesbian reaction to outcome, but unlike nets, at least did the story.

CMI Commentary: Post Calls Virginia GOP Attorney General Candidate a Bigot

Desperate to have some impact on Virginia elections, editorial smears Cuccinelli for traditional morality.
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