
Media Research Center

Stars Joke About Bieber Abortion, ‘Dodging a Coat Hanger’ in Womb

Comedy Central ‘roast’ guests treat life as a laugh line.
Media Research Center

Miley Cyrus: Indiana Law ‘Dinosaurs’ ‘Dying Off’

Former Hannah Montana star wasn’t being herself in show, now claims she is.
Media Research Center

HuffPo Articles Recreate Jesus’ Death into ‘Gay Passion of Christ,’ Yoga and Mental Illness

The Huffington Post pushes artwork recreating Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Media Research Center

Study: Millennials Still Question Morality of Gay Sex, Abortion

Hardest hit: sex-obsessed left.
Media Research Center

GLAAD Awards: Kerry Washington Lauded for Pro-LGBT Clarion Call

Scandal’s Kerry Washington Calls for ‘inclusive storytelling’ in award speech.
Media Research Center

Indiana Governor an ‘A-hole,’ ‘Legalizing Oppression’ with Religious Freedom Law, Celebs Say

Hell hath no fury like a lib told he can’t remake the world in his image.
Media Research Center

Slate’s Marcotte Finds Free Birth Control Bill ‘Condescending’

Apparently, free contraceptives should also come with a pat on the head.
Media Research Center

A&E Swinger Lifestyle Show 'Stilted,' 'Boring,' 'Awkward' TV

Reviews are not neighborly to Neighbors with Benefits.
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