
Judging Hilton: Not Fit for 'American Idol'

Current host Simon Cowell thinks Hilton would make a good replacement on hit television show.

Talen: 'Making Marriage a Gated Community, is Tantamount to Violence'

HuffPo features article by Reverend Billy pushing for gay marriage.

The Ultimate Valentine Date: Un-Marry Your Spouse for Gay Rights

Bill Talen offers event in support for gay marriage; USA Today finds it 'unoriginal.'

Broadcasts Networks Lead Cheers for JCS Opposition to 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

ABC's Diane Saywer calls testimony 'dramatic' and 'truly historic.'

CNN Boosts Repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'

Gay activists in favor of changing military policy outnumber others 11 to 1 in coverage.

Washington Post Says Abstinence Programs 'Might Work' Just Days after Attacking Them

'Landmark study' finds lower sexual activity among teens in abstinence-only vs. other programs.

GMA Criticizes Heidi Montag's 10 Plastic Surgeries, Calls Her 'Sad' and 'Confused'

ABC hosts show proper revulsion at celebrity's self-butchery.

To VH1, Teen Purity is a Short-lived Marketing Trend

Whether for Disney stars or average teens, music network dismisses abstinence as impractical.

Newsweek Column: 'Same-sex Marriage is an American Value'

Ted Olson pushes for gay unions without taking into account many drawbacks.
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