
Lou Dobbs: Olbermann the 'Resident Moron' at MSNBC

CNN host and avowed 'independent' expresses frustration over left's efforts to marginalize health care opposition, play the race card.

Former Majority Leader Daschle Says Health Care Backlash Legitimate

Obama's first choice for HHS secretary and Bloomberg contributor says contentious town halls part of democracy, but knocks 'extraordinary hyperbolic predictions.'

Stratfor's Friedman: 'Probability of Bernanke Being Reappointed to the Fed is Near Zero'

Private intelligence agency CEO gives Fed Chair no chance of second term, despite wishes of Wall Street.

Rude Matthews Bullies Conservative Guest Opposing ObamaCare

Boorish MSNBC 'Hardball' host attacks Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips.

Snyderman, Connolly Declare It Their Duty to 'Raise' Bar on ObamaCare Debate

MSNBC's 'Dr. Nancy' and Washington Post staff writer maintain it is 'incumbent upon' journalists to steer the dialogue of the health care discussion.

CNN Exposes Government's Funny Math for Clunker Program

It turns out trucks and SUV, not small cars, are top 'clunker' buys.

'World News' Shows How Environmental Regulations Backfire

ABC segment on what happens to U.S. post-consumer electronic waste shows problem of unintended consequences.

ABC: The All-ObamaCare Network

'The View' allows Dr. Tim Johnson to promote government-run health plan.

GOP Congressman Calls Nation's vanden Heuvel on Misusing Capitalist Concepts

Rep. Paul Ryan won't let MSNBC get away with using 'free market rhetoric' to promote an anti-market proposal.

Left Wing Journalist: If We Don't Get Socialized Health Care, Our 'System Isn't Functional'

The Nation's vanden Heuvel doesn't want to get 'caught up in conventional deficit' language.
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