
CBS Reporter Takes Swipe at Drug Industry, Praises Politician in Blog Post

Armen Keteyian lamented 'Big Pharma's' 'control' over Americans.

'Evening News' Milked Tragedies to Scare Viewers on Depression Drugs

NBC, ABC gave viewers a more balanced, less emotionally-charged look at a new FDA warning label on suicide risks for young people.

The "Obesity Epidemic"?

Liberal health zealotry in the Times.

CBS Obesity Report Trims Opposing Views

'Evening News' story shorts personal responsibility and cost arguments.

CNN's O'Brien Hits Clinton on AIDS Spending

'American Morning' anchor criticized former president, showcased Sen. Barack Obama's call to spend $1 billion more than Bush.

Unhealthy Bias in Implant Stories, Then and Now

Media return to complaints about silicone breast implants, despite FDA decision to end 14-year ban.

ABC Highlights Medicare Complaints, Overlooks Retailers' Drug Discounts

'World News' complains of cost, confusion but ignores private sector solutions like Wal-Mart's $4 generic drugs.

Lack of Height Adds to Growth of Bills

USA Today downplays how optional treatment for short children adds billions to insurance costs.

Networks Eat Up Food Police Message on Trans Fats

ABC, NBC highlight pro-regulation forces and compare obesity to tobacco.

USA Today: Room for Worry in New Study on College Weight Gain

The 'Freshman 15' reported more like the 'Freshman 8,' but reporter Nanci Hellmich focused on complaints from nutritionists about foods offered in college dining halls.
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