
Media Research Center

Media, Planned Parenthood Hype New ‘Abortion Romantic Comedy’

‘Obvious Child’ opens Friday to the delight of media, abortion advocates.
Media Research Center

Live Action Exposes Planned Parenthood – Will Media Note?

Pro-life advocacy group announces ‘Planned Parenthood Exposed’ campaign.
Media Research Center

Lefty Comedian Tells Pro-Lifers To Go ‘F*ck Themselves’

Winstead’s tour promotes Planned Parenthood support.
Media Research Center

National Catholic Reporter: Climate Change is ‘#1 Pro-Life Issue’

Left-wing NCR redefines ‘pro-life.’
Media Research Center

Alarmist Paul Ehrlich Predicts Need to ‘Eat the Bodies of Your Dead’

‘Population Bomb’ author calls for more abortions, accuses GOP of ‘stealing from poor’ and ‘trying to kill women.’
Media Research Center

Lefty TV: Abortion is About ‘My Fundamental Right To Life’

Self-absorption, thy name is ‘Liberal.’
Media Research Center

Lefty Claim: Media Didn’t Report Social Justice ‘Nuance’ in Gosnell Trial

Ingratitude for media that tried to protect the abortion industry.
Media Research Center

Gosnell Movie Reaches Goal; Vows to Build ‘Army’

Crowd-funded film reaches $2.1M; new goal is 30K donors.
Media Research Center

U.N. Committee Calls Catholic Stance on Abortion ‘Torture’; Nets Silent

Broadcast news shows fail to mention UN attack on religious liberty.
Media Research Center

Lib Radio Host: ‘God Performs Abortions’

RH Reality Check hypes talk show host’s extreme abortion views.
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