
FTC Chair: Government-Funded Journalism is 'a Danger'

Leibowitz promotes workshops advocating federal intervention in spite of opposition

Nickelodeon Game Site Lets Kids Play at Trying to Look Up Skirts of 'Naughty' Cartoon Teachers

Network makes games titled 'Perry the Perv' and 'Booty Rider' accessible to young children.

Analyst: BP Oil Spill Clean-Up Will Have $60 Billion Price Tag

Fadel Gheit of Oppenheimer & Co. says exorbitant amount will be spread over 10 years, making it 'manageable.'

Media Fail to See Obama's Fingerprints on Lack of Press Freedom in Gulf

Reporters from several media outlets claim Coast Guard, FAA and BP have kept them away from oil spill, but few point fingers at White House.

NY Times Celebrates Mortgage Defaulters Who Live 'Rent-Free'

Since foreclosure is everyone else's fault, the Times says debtors don't 'slink away in shame.'

Washington Post Exposes BP ties to Eco-Groups, Other Media Ignore Controversy

Nature Conservancy and other left-wing environmental organizations accepted millions from oil giant, broadcast networks silent.

Liberal Bomb Thrower: Rep. Michele Bachmann a 'Phony-Ass Broad,' 'Skank'

Talk radio host Mike Malloy unloads misogynistic attack on Minn. congresswoman for take $30,000 in funding from government.

Krugman's Gratified Media Finally Recognizing Republican Extremism

Columnist Krugman sees a welcome change: "News organizations have taken notice: suddenly, the takeover of the Republican Party by right-wing extremists has become a story."

Former Couric Employee at CBS Says Couric Had Margaret Sanger Picture on Office Wall

'The Perky One' is a fan of eugenicist enthusiast and abortionist.

Murdoch to Critics: Attacks on 'Powerful' Fox News 'Good For Ratings'

News Corp. CEO attributes cable channel's strong numbers to people 'worried about direction of the country,' as all other media are on 'the liberal side of things.'
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