
Media Research Center


Media Research Center

Forbes Contributor Defends Planned Parenthood in Fox Debate

Bruce Japsen claims access to PP is necessary in ‘Forbes on Fox’ discussion about defunding.
Media Research Center

T-Mobile Posts Pro-Amnesty Ad on Social Media; Quickly Takes it Down After Backlash

‘Can you hear my liberal politics now?’
Media Research Center

Michael Moore Still Whining about War in New Flick

The Handycam Hypocrite takes on ‘the military-industrial complex.’
Media Research Center

UPDATE: Nets Spend 30 Minutes on Lion; Censor Abortion Videos

Planned Parenthood video black-out in force.
Media Research Center

Disgusted’ Paglia: Media ‘Shockingly Unprofessional’ for Planned Parenthood ‘Censorship’

The ‘former member’ of Planned Parenthood eloquently attacks the liberal media.
Media Research Center

Nets Spend More Time on Cecil the Lion in 1 Day Than Abortion Vids in 2 Weeks

Nets censor third abortion video; give 14 minutes to Cecil the Lion.
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