
New York Times Buries Muslim Brotherhood Connection to Hamas

The Gray Lady hides the truth about the militant Egyptian group.

The Oscars: Class Warfare Wins Best Liberal Issue

Tinsel town says unions good, CEOs bad.

NBC Still Ignoring Planned Parenthood Sting, Despite House Vote to Defund

Network won't say why house GOP votes to defund pro-abortion organization

'Entertainment' Media Join Chorus Blaming Conservatives for Shooting

Gossip, entertainment, lifestyle outlets join mainstream smearing right.

NBC Promotes 'Princess Boy' Propaganda

'Today' Show fawned over a cross-dressing five-year-old and his book-touting mother.

Law Center Designates Conservative Pro-Family Organizations 'Hate Groups'

Family Research Council listed alongside KKK, Nazi Party.

Angry Liberals Twist Bristol Palin's 'Dancing' into Tea Party 'Conspiracy'

Tea Partiers, Vast Right-Wing Conspirators rigging 'Dancing with the Stars' for Sara's daughter, according to left.

Mort Kondracke Strikes Again: Michele Bachmann 'A Loud Mouth'

Roll Call editor attacks Minnesota congresswoman days after attacking former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Media, Left Smear Michele Bachmann: Perfect End to Year of GOP Woman

Strong, conservative Minn. congresswoman draws ire of same liberal media that knock Republicans for lack of women.

Kanye West to George Bush: I Know Exactly How You Feel About Being Called Racist

Rapper compares Hurricane Katrina to Taylor Swift Video Music Award incident.
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