
Feminist Groups Call Conservative Women 'Nutty' and 'Whores,' Media Ignores

NOW endorses liberal male candidates over conservative females, despite bemoaning lack of women in politics.

Controversial Video Game Only Renames Taliban, 'Opposition Forces'

EA's 'Medal of Honor' fails to remove divisive enemy combatant multi-player option.

Liberal Attack Ads Give the Lie to Media's 'Conservative Culture of Fear' Theme

Left-wing candidates get a pass for misleading, dishonest campaigns.

Behar Demonizes Michele Bachmann: 'She's Against Children'

HLN host demands Minnesota congresswoman earn her feminist stripes by rebuking New York gubernatorial candidate Paladino and supporting SCHIP.

Sarah Silverman Slimes 9/11 Widows

Comic makes light of tragedy by joking about widows' sex lives in tweets.

Colbert Takes Another Cheap Shot at Tea Party

'Help with Spelling' the comic's latest show of contempt for conservative America.

CNBC's Kernen Challenges Pa. Governor on Tea Party 'Wing-Nuts and Fruit Loops' Label

'Squawk Box' hosts question Rendell's double standard on Tea Party labels, while giving a pass to MSNBC's Ed Schultz and his ilk.

HuffPo AstroTurf? Arianna Offers Busing From NYC to DC for Stewart-Colbert Rally

Huffington Post editor and creator announces transportation for Comedy Central hosts' Oct. 30 'Rally to Restore Sanity.'

Former Obama Organizer, Village Voice Writer Attacks 'White America'

Steven Thrasher goes on 3,700-word anti-Caucasian tired, insisting opposition to Obama's policies motivated by racism.

Peter Schiff -- Purveyor of Libertarian Principles ... When Convenient

Former Republican candidate for U.S. Senate and so-called financial expert laments his competition's ability to beat him with use of advertising.
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