
Media Research Center

‘Do They Know It’s Christmastime?’ ACLU Stops School from Feeding African Orphans

Anti-Christian totalitarianism reaches absurd level.
Media Research Center

New Yorker’s ‘Climate Change” Carols: ‘Silent Night’ Cannibalism

>Christmas and global warming make liberal elites laugh.
Media Research Center

DOJ Debunks WH’s Stats on College Rape, Will Media Report?

Staggeringly lower numbers defeat false narrative on prevalence of rape on college campuses.
Media Research Center

Daily Show: Atheist Group ‘Petty A**holes’ Who Need to ‘Lighten the F**k Up’

Liberal comedy show bashes whiny atheists.
Media Research Center

Pro-Life Leaders Slam ‘Black Lives Matter’ Hypocrisy, Note Black Babies Aborted

In New York, 78 percent of abortions are black, Hispanic.
Media Research Center

Earth Science vs. Political Science

Media Research Center

Planned Parenthood Prez: ‘We Want to Make’ Pro-Life Candidates ‘Unacceptable’

Richards tells Cosmo’s Filipovic the abortion mill’s strategy for 2015.
Media Research Center

Prof at University in Denver Rewrites Anti-American ‘Pledge of Allegiance’

Requires students to recite it in his American Civilization class.
Media Research Center

Nausea Alert: Barack and Michelle Obama's Love Story Coming to Theaters

President’s first date recaptured.
Media Research Center

Feminist Media Champion ‘Armpit Dyeing’

Feminist media hype a new fad.
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