The Blacklist: Always Talking About Changing
In last week's post, I went with a preamble to Red's best
lines. Today? Let's change it up.
Kick it!
Best of Red
- You all seem to be doing a perfectly mediocre job of that on your own. Sure Red says that in reference to the FBI, but really Red could be saying that about any government organization. But yeaaaa... Obamacare's gonna turn out just fiiiiine...
- Your witness is dead, you lost Lorca, and he took Agent Keane. I'd say my meeting with Lorca might be the equivalent of your ass and landing on a pile of Christmas. What does this mean? I don't know. Doesn't matter. It's hilarious, especially with Red's perfectly understated delivery.
- Maybe your right. Maybe he could change. Maybe he's not damaged beyond repair. Maybe he could make amends to all those he's hurt so terribly... Or maybe not.
It was this last quote that really piqued my interest. It wrestles with an idea that I go back and forth on: namely, can a person change? If so, how much?
No one is perfect, so on some level we all can change, but on another level, I wonder if we can really change. Can an introvert morph into an extravert? Can a sarcastic person become a genuinely sweet person? Can a monster become a man again?
I don't know. I hope so. I look at my own life and pray such a change can take place. But I wonder. I doubt. Red clearly didn't think that the monster that was the Stewmaker could regain his humanity.
And what about Red? He seems to have some need to connect with Elizabeth. Perhaps, his story of the farmer turned monster is really about himself. Does he believe himself a monster? Does this belief lead to him murdering the Stewmaker, horrifying the one person with whom he needs to connect?
Realistically, these fundamental questions about humanity's ability to change cannot be answered by The Blacklist, but I applaud the show for making us deliberate on such an important question.