Burn Notice: Redemption and Forgiveness
It's a tale as old as time. A song as old as rhyme. Beauty
and the Beast Forgiveness and Redemption.
From the very beginning of recorded history, man has failed. Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Gilgamesh oppressed his people. Hercules slew his own sons. It is in our nature. We can't help but disappoint and hurt.
When we fail, we need forgiveness. That forgiveness comes in many forms. Gilgamesh and Hercules had to complete certain epic tasks in their quest for absolution. Adam and Eve's failure required One greater than themselves to gift them redemption.
Sometimes, though, the hardest aspect of forgiveness is forgiving yourself. It is this struggle which drives the last ever episode of Burn Notice as Michael Westen tries to atone for his past mistakes. His friends and family have forgiven him, but it is only when he is able to forgive himself that he saves the day.
What? Did you expect it to end any other way?