
Voters Don't Care about Global Warming - but They Should

In what's become Earth Month, the media press on as though it's Public Issue No. 1.

Econ 101: ElectionWatch: Presidents Shouldn't Have 'Plans'

Candidates race to present plans for the economy, education, health care and global warming - but a planned economy has never worked before.

Gore Campaigns to Win Over 'Tiny, Tiny Minority'

$300-million propaganda launch gets a complete pass from supportive media.

The Real Gas Threat - from OPEC

Americans worried about gas prices should look overseas to the supply-controlling cartel. Here's a peek inside.

Man the Lifeboats - Global Warming Alarmism Is Swamping Debate

Media ignore opposition, call scientists 'flat Earthers' to sink climate change dispute.

Caps and Trade-offs: Presidential Candidates Embrace Massive Penalties for Emissions

All three frontrunners have declared support for energy legislation that would cost consumers and businesses lots of money.

Econ 101: The Great Depression

Why we're not in another one ... but politicians could take us there.

Populist 'Outrage' Forgets People Behind American Business

Clinton and Obama want to stick it to The Man - but just who is The Man?

Which Candidate Will Pay the Most for My Vote?

Media encourage people to view themselves as victims of the economy, looking for handouts from the next president.

Econ 101: What does 'Recession' Mean?

We don't even know we've been in one until we're out.
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