
The Attempted Assassination of the FairTax

FairTax supporters predate Huckabee and are going strong despite media dismissal of the proposal.

Tax Reformers, Unite!

Supporters of both flat tax and national sales tax should rally behind the more politically feasible option.

The Oops and Downs of Economic Predictions

The public has to be confused as the media over-predict downturns and gas price spikes but lack accuracy.

Another View: MSM Misses on Mortgage Rescue

Why they should get a Pulitzer in misframing an issue.

A Mortgage Bailout?

The lending agreement still involves the government picking winners and losers.

Climate Changes, but Media Remain the Same

Environmentalists, journalists head to Bali to discuss ways to spend your money.

Econ 101: What Does a Falling Dollar Mean?

What changes our exchange rate, and should we worry about it? BMI adviser Gary Wolfram explains.

Journalists See 'Crisis' Where Even Economists Aren't Sure

Media see through a glass darkly and conclude economy must be doing badly.

Real Debate Questions for GOP Candidates

Voters need to know what presidential candidates would do with their money. These questions would get answers.

Beware of Following Michigan's Steps Down the Road to Serfdom

Economically troubled state ironically turned to tax increases - a move that won't help its financial standing any time soon.
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