
Elementary, My Dear President

Not everyone makes the same amount of money, but that doesn't mean the government should act to abolish 'income inequality.'

Remember Social Security?

Grassroots support of personal retirement accounts is strong as reform resurfaces in Bush's 2008 budget - but Democrats are pulling out of the discussion.

Hillary Clinton: 'Hugo Chavez in a pantsuit'

Democratic presidential candidate wants to 'take' oil profits to fund her own projects.

Life Is Convenient When You Define 'Truth'

Conservative weakness has allowed global warming movement to get away with political murder.

Film Review: 'The Power of Choice,' A Milton Friedman Special

Documentary highlights the man and his ideas that changed the world.

Econ 101: How to Reduce Gas Consumption

Government intervention in energy markets leads to inefficiency, even when 'energy security' is the goal.

Networks Link Economy to Depression/Recession; No Wonder We're Depressed

The 2006 collapse never came, so now journalists are looking to 2007 to make their gloomy predictions look smart.

Journalists Snow Public with Avalanche of Warming Reports

It's 'balmy,' it's golf weather and media claim 'it's the end of the world.'

Democrats: There Is Such a Thing as Too Much Regulation

The media have missed a big story: Democratic politicians attacking Sarbanes-Oxley for punishing businesses and workers.

When Should Information Not Be Free?

'Open access' plan in Congress would create another governmental boondoggle.
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