
The Science Fiction Slant on News

CNN: the network that doesnt just report. It makes things up.

Econ 101: Rich and Poor in a Market Economy

Dr. Gary Wolfram answers a readers questions about wealth distribution and social stability in the United States.

One if by Land, Two If by Air?

CNNs Lou Dobbs spreads alarm about British companies to every Middle America village and farm.

What We Know and Don't Know About Bird Flu

Dr. Elizabeth Whelan of the American Council on Science and Health says its not time to panic.

The Last Days of Disco and Dubai

Fear Mongering about foreign investment should be a passing fad.

Media Whine, Consumers Win

Wal-Marts critics, led by unions and the media, are waging an all-out assault on the free market that keeps our countrys economy thriving.

Cable Firms Prefer One Choice Theirs

Customers faced with channels for every interest except for those who want to pay a la carte.

Econ 101: What Happens When We Subsidize

Alternative energy should be developed in a free, innovative marketplace not through government planning.

Bravo for the Maestro

Greenspans greatest achievement was resisting political pressure and keeping money supply stable, fueling investment in the United States.
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