
Networks Do a Poor Job with Unemployment Coverage

Labor coverage evokes a depression, but its more depressing than reality.

Whos Worth More?

Do CEOs earn their money as honestly as Hollywood actresses?

Own Your Own Retirement

As demands on retirement plans increase, American workers will benefit from market-based accounts they control.

Econ 101: How do Tax Cuts Work?

Despite the medias portrayal, tax cuts for the rich arent bad and they boost the economy.

Fear and Loathing in Business News

Journalism should not be a man-made disaster.

High Tide In Mississippi

Media hype trial lawyers crusade to create new Katrina victims insurance companies.

Dobbs Bashes Pro-Growth Katrina Rebuilding Policies

CNN business anchor uses race in wrongheaded criticism of administrations efforts to help workers.

Network Images Pump Up Gas Prices

Medias Scare Tax of 75 cents per gallon is four times higher than federal burden of 18.4 cents.

Boo-Hoo Economics

With the medias steady stream of tears for a strong economy, its no wonder so many Americans think were in a recession.

A Whale of a Tale

The media perpetuated outrageous economic myths throughout the year.
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