Culture Articles

Grand, Old, and Pitiful

When the Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing on children and TV violence on June 26, it was the Democrats taking the entertainment industry to task as socially irresponsible, while ...

Supremes Say Equal Means Equal

Court decision rejecting race-based diversity plans restores the Constitutional principle of equal protection of the laws.

Washington Post Trades on Kids' Fears to Sell Pro-Immigration Views

Story emphasizes emotion and downplays or ignores the central issues of lawbreaking and border security.

See Some Evil, Hear Some Evil

Nets cover Capitol Hill NFL violence hearings, turn a blind eye to TV violence hearings.

Morality Isn't That 'Complex'

CNN headline obscures Ohio policeman's responsibility for double murder.

Roberts, Alito & Kennedy: Swinging Supremely Right

CMI's resident attorney explains the legal significance of the decisions just handed down by the Supreme Court.

ABC Only Network to Share Good News on Giving

Americans give more than any other nation in the world, but the media are reluctant to report the good news about our culture.

Pass the Amnesty Bill, Don't Ask Questions

Media ignore public opposition to McCain-Kennedy immigration bill, make a final push for Senate passage.

Judge 'Pants Suit' Gets Dry Cleaned

Frivolous, vindictive lawsuit leaves a hole in Pearson's pocket.

Paris Hilton to Make Pokey Time Pay Off

For 25 days or so of indignity the heiress will turn over a quick million bucks, thanks to checkbook journalism. Has NBC lost its collective mind?

'Conservatives' for Sleaze TV

This kind of conservative has embraced the anarchical libertarian worldview ... that the market – society's lowest common denominator on cultural issues – should decide. And if this erosion of ...

A Convenient Double Standard

Liberals want to impose balance on conservative talk radio but not liberal television news and entertainment.

Bush vs. Science?

Media showcase critics of President's stem cell veto, ignore supporting scientists.

When Prosecutors Go Wild

Duke DA Mike Nifong should face criminal charges.

Breaking the Grip of Poverty by Changing Irresponsible Habits

AP cites a critic of NYC's behavior-based anti-poverty experiment but no supporters, though evidence shows these programs really work.

City of Brotherly Love Hates the Boy Scouts

Sexual immorality is now the moral high ground in Philadelphia, and the Boy Scouts are the bad guys. Does anyone with clout in Philadelphia see why this is monstrously wrong?

Fermenting Discord

LA Times faults schools, not lazy parents, for students' cheesy plight.

Condoms are Fine, but Don't Teach Kids to Say No to Sex

The media trumpet research undermining abstinence education, but suppress favorable data.

Flooding the Zone on a High School Anti-War Play

The Times issued its third story on an anti-war student play put on by a Connecticut high school drama class - the same paper that buried the JFK Airport terror threat.

Networks Ignore Crushing of Marriage Vote in Massachusetts

The media elite don't want the American people to know that liberals refuse to let the people vote on this crucial issue.

South Park Filth Fest

This weekend millions of families will be exposed to South Park's most foul-mouthed, sexually offensive programs, courtesy of Comedy Central.

By Abusing the Legal System, Judge 'Pants Suit' Weakens Public Trust in the Law

Plaintiff cries on the stand, and the media seem more sympathetic to him than the defendants whose lives, business and savings he has ravaged.

Hillary vs. Hollywood

Hollywood's muck-makers are advised to see the writing on the wall. When Hillary Clinton is scolding you in the headlines, maybe it's time to shape up.

NBC to Expand from News to Education

The network wants to increase its future audience while simultaneously educating high school students -- but what do they intend to teach?

Role Models for Girls: Choice of Two, Take Your Pick

The Olympic athlete/Playboy model, or the squeaky clean teen movie star?

Judges Throw Up Roadblocks as Communities Struggle to Enforce Laws Against Illegal Immigrants - and the Media Fail to Tell the Story

Networks, press largely ignore that courts are frustrating small town efforts to address illegal immigration.

New York Times Showcases Fashionable Cocaine Use

Irresponsible story devotes more space to cocaine advocates than warning about the dangers of the illegal drug.

Networks Dance Around Political, Ideological Motives for Blocking Pace Renomination

Liberals got Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman booted for 'homophobia' and backing Libby, not just differences about the Iraq war.

Washington Post Ignores Qualifications to Paint Picture of Judicial Cronyism

Immigration judge has extensive legal background, but you wouldn't know it.