I guess that openly enjoying the death of a fellow Christian and utterly distorting his Christian message into a caricature of hate is the mark of the nonjudgmental. I think it's somewhere in the ...
Deciding to bring up your own children is a supreme expression of personal responsibility, but CBS attacks moms who choose motherhood just days before Mother's Day.
The Public Broadcasting System is planning to air a documentary certain to offend Catholics scant weeks after canceling a documentary for fear of offending Muslims.
It doesn't get any more hypocritical than a recording company using federal law to stifle free speech critical of its lewd and lascivious rapper while wrapping the First Amendment around him.
Simmons declared, I think that children, and parents, and everyone else who doesn't really understand the hip-hop community should have a choice....we want people to choose what they want. And if ...
Scott irresponsibly ignores decades of social science studies that show a direct correlation between the consumption of violent media (movies, television, video games, and music) and increases in ...
Under the guise of promoting feminist art, the Arts section of the April 22 Washington Post featured four images of nude or partially nude women and suggested that pornography is aesthetic.
The next time you hear a reporter use the term so-called 'partial birth abortion,' or the procedure that opponents call 'partial birth abortion,' keep in mind that he's making an editorial comment ...
The authorities charged with implementing the abstinence-only curriculum don't like it, don't believe in it, and have done everything in their power to ensure that it should fail.
The liberal media were wringing their hands in anguish about the loss of abortion rights as they reported the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision Wednesday upholding a ban on partial-birth abortions.
The magnitude of who gets to appoint the next justice to the United States Supreme Court is supremely illustrated by the Court's ruling today upholding the congressional ban on partial birth abortion.