MRC Business

Media Condemn Oil Speculators after Announcement of CFTC Investigation

Revelation of probe by regulatory authority credited for causing one-day drop in oil prices, although prices showing rebound.

Bad Economy Causing Spike in Spam Sales, Reports 'Nightly News'

Anchor Brian Williams calls lunch meat product 'a huge economic indicator' although Hormel attributes profit increase to a variety of factors.

Media Black Out Discussion of California Same-Sex 'Marriage' Implications

The First Amendment is in jeopardy. Why isn't the press rushing to its defense?

ABC Uses Weird Non-Customer Example to Attack Credit Card Companies

'Good Morning America' claims arbitration unfair by featuring rare case from activist group's report.

CNN 'Conservationist' a Liberal Blogger and Carbon Credit Trader

'American Morning' segment on global warming warns 'gathering storm on the horizon' will have a $1.87 trillion price tag by 2100.

The Great Media Depression

News reports depict economy far worse now than during the 1929 stock market crash

The Great Media Depression: Executive Summary

News reports depict economy far worse now than during the 1929 stock market crash

Washington Post Declares 'Human-Generated Carbon Dioxide Emissions' Already Cause of Disasters

Article quotes four experts and a study from one side but offers no counterpoint.

Networks 'Cherry-Pick' Data to Blame Slowdown on Housing Woes

But on CNBC some experts say housing 'crisis' is overstated and blame the media for hyping it.

'World News' Predicts $7-a-Gallon Gasoline

ABC evening show predicts extreme price increase, but curiously explains the actual cause of high gasoline prices and provides some context.
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